
Rare Earths Elements

Providing essential raw materials for the green transition

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The Fen Carbonatite Complex

Ancient volcano created a large deposit of Rare Earths

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European Raw Materials Alliance

We are prioritized by European Raw Materials Alliance

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Our Partners

Podcast med Alf Reistad om Europas største forekomst av sjeldne jordarter

Podcasten #PolyPod: "Europas største forekomst av sjeldne jordarter"

Lytt til samtalen mellom Mette Vågnes Eriksen, general sekretær i Polyteknisk Forening og Alf Reistad, CEO i Rare Earths Norway, om forekomsten på Fensfeltet og dens betydning for det grønne skiftet og forsyningssikkerhet. Utvikling av innovativ teknologi i mineral næringen og avveininger mellom lokal natur og  globalt klima. 

Press release from Rare Earths Norway AS

Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth elements at Fen, Norway

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Pressemelding fra Rare Earths Norway AS

Europas største forekomst av sjeldne jordarter finnes på Fen!

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About Rare Earths Norway

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The company

REN was established in 2016 with the purpose of developing the Fen Complex.

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REN’s vision is to become an important supplier of mixed rare earths concentrate in Europe, enabling the green industrial transition and climate change mitigation.

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Artikkel 500

Mineral rights

REN’s extraction permit covers approximately 90% of the REE-bearing iron-dolomite carbonatite (FDC) at Fen.

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Fen Complex

The Fen Carbonatite Complex

The Fen Carbonatite Complex was created 580 million years ago when carbonate-rich magma formed a volcanic feeder pipe.

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European Raw Materials Alliance

Rare Earths Norway is proud to announce that we were endorsed by ERMA in 2022.

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IMG 7561 Kopi


The Hustadlitt group has 75 years of experience in the mining industry.

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The people

Tore Malo Ødegård V2

Tore Malo Ødegård


Employed in Hustadlitt Group since 2017 within finance and business development. Previous experience from investment banking. Holds a M.Sc in Industrial Economy and Technology Management from Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Trond Watne

Trond Watne

Chief Geologist

29 years of experience in the Hustadlitt Group as a geologist and mining engineer. Holds a PhD in Mining Engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Svetlana V2

Svetlana Rotaru

Lead Project Administration

10 years of experience in project management, service and concept development, administration, and networking. Master in health and social science with a focus on service management.


Christian Rainer

Senior Advisor Projects and Technology

More than 35 years of experience in the minerals industry, in project, process, and product development, as well as in operative management functions. He holds a degree from Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria, and has been involved with Hustadlitt since 2022.


Werner Rehbein

Senior Technical Advisor

More than 30 years of experience in process engineering and international projects, mainly in the minerals, wooden composite, and energy business. He holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Graz.​

Finn Tore Sylte

Finn Tore Sylte

Business development & Member of the Board

More than 25 years of experience in the Hustadlitt Group within business development, finance, and other areas. Holds degrees in Engineering and Economics.

Sturla Steinsvik

Sturla Steinsvik

Project Advisor & Chairman of the Board

Founder of Hustadlitt. 60 years of experience from developing global businesses within the mineral industry.

Birger Solberg

Birger Solberg

Member of the Board

CEO of Ulefos Holding, Cappelen Group. Previously VP Sibelco Europe and CEO of Sibelco Nordic. Holds a M.Sc Mechanical Engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology and AMP from INSEAD.

Ole Bjørn Jensen V2

Ole Bjørn Jenssen

Member of the Board

VP Product Quality, Yara International ASA. Former SVP Production R&D in Yara, Technical Director Yara Mining and Production Manager in Hydro Agri. Holds a M.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry, NTNU Norway.

Nina Steinsvik

Member of the Board

CEO of Hustadlitt AS. 7 years experience in corporate banking before joining Hustadlitt AS. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business; a Major in Finance, and a Minor in Economics from the University of Colorado Boulder.



The mining value chain

The end product for the value chain is permanent magnets.

Permanent magnets, also known as supermagnets, are essential in manufacturing a wide range of state-of-the-art products, including electric cars and wind turbines. The production of permanent magnets normally involves four stages. REN covers the first of these, from mining to extracting the REE minerals from the ore itself.

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